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Jun 05, 2024
In Game day posts and events
Dark Zone Dark Zone: Hunt For The Cure New York City. Black Friday 2023. Contaminated bank notes carrying a highly contagious smallpox based virus are circulated during the busy retail season. The “Green Poison” spread rapidly through all major population centres, quickly overwhelming hospitals and leading to a break down of social order. With local law enforcement no longer capable of controlling the escalating chaos the government quarantined New York City. In a drastic move the federal government instructed Central Park, the largest concentration of refugees and infected persons, be completely isolated within a walled quarantine area. Completely cut off from the outside world, and left to fend for themselves, Central Park would descend into anarchy and become known as the Dark Zone. Seeking to restore order and cure the Green Poison, the Strategic Homeland Division activated hundreds of sleeper agents. These elite plain clothes operatives will enter the Dark Zone, restore order, uncover those responsible for the attack and find a cure to the disease. Agents, you have been activated by The Strategic Homeland Division. Enter the Dark Zone; Bring order to the chaos; Find a cure for the Green Poison; Apprehend those responsible; Betray your friends? Get rich along the way. Dark Zone is a free-for-all scenario set set inside the walls of the Central Park Quarantine Area aka: the Dark Zone. Filled with high value contaminated loot, the only way to salvage these contaminated exotic goods from the Dark Zone is via helicopter extraction. Can you keep your loot safe during extraction? Will other Agents claim a slice of your loot? Can you trust anyone? Game Rules: CSG FPS and weapon rules apply. All ammo will be supplied and is replenished through gameplay. Only 0.25g will be supplied. Camo clothing is discouraged. Hit Rules When a player is hit they must immediately shout "HIT" and drop all game items at their feet. Hit players may apply a bandage to themselves after 60 seconds, wait a further 60 seconds before re-entering the game. Alternatively, any live player may apply a bandage to a hit player immediately. There is a 10 minute bleed out. Loot Extraction All loot in the Dark Zone is contaminated and can only leave the zone, and reward the player, via helicopter extraction. To call for extraction a player must use the signal horn located at the extraction point. The extraction helicopter will travel to the location and wait for 10 minutes. Loot is loaded into the chopper and players attach their ID tag to the chopper. When the chopper returns to base the total loot extracted is divided equally amongst the attached ID tags. Any player may attach their ID tag to the chopper.
17.08.2024 - Dark Zone content media
Oct 15, 2023
In Game day posts and events
Abyssinia, Henry Cake!, They Saved Henrys Brain Too?, CSG present “They Saved Henry's Brain Too” A Halloween themed game on Saturday 28th October. Gates open: 9:30 Briefing: 10:00 Game Starts 10:30 Tragedy has struck again! The president, while returning from ASNZ Nationals, has died in another plane crash! Dark magic, virgin sacrifices and unexplainable lunar phenomenon are the only hope to revive the president and repair his broken body. Can you earn the favor of the dark lords? Or will your enemies be the ones to enjoy the blood orgy? Thematic costumes: Encouraged! Better prizes than last year? Maybe?! Ghosts: Plentiful! Maniacal laugh! Maniacal laugh!! MANIACAL LAUGH!!!


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